Achieve Your Jazz Piano Dream

With Structured & Organized Jazz Piano Education That Gives You A Plan

(Subscriptions & Courses From Jazz Piano School)

3 Education Areas

Jazz Piano School has 3 main education areas to help you achieve jazz piano freedom. 

Click on a specific area to learn more about it or continue scrolling down the page. 

Introducing Our Biggest, Baddest & Most Popular...

Main Course Curriculum

Jazz Piano School's Main Course Curriculum is Perfect For All Levels Looking To Achieve Jazz Piano Freedom With Structure, Organization & a Solid Plan.

(Built for homes, schools & studios around the world.)

The JPS Main Course Curriculum

Our 600+ Video, Main Course Curriculum was built to give you a structured, organized and step by step road map for you to achieve your jazz piano dream. 


This easy, clear and systematic educational process removes all your frustration, doubt and all the "I can't thoughts" you'll ever have and most importantly...finally gives you a PLAN to follow. 

Message from Brenden (Founder)

Let's face it...most people will tell you learning jazz piano is a crap shoot. 


Some might say you either have it, or you don't.


There was a time when jazz piano taught by just showing and copying. 


Basically, "Watch me then you copy me and try it" method. 

If you've tried learning jazz piano then you have without a doubt used this method!


Whether you're taking lessons, watching youtube videos, or reading books I'm sure you've might have slightly realized that this "Watch me then you copy me and try it" process has simply just...




This old school process is kinda like dumping a puzzle on the ground and trying to put it together...

...without a picture on it. 


Yeaaa...not going to happen.


There's NO plan, NO system, NO road map, and thousands of general tips of advice.


Like having hundreds of keys, but no clue what doors they go to. 


Unfortunately, this was my experience too, but luckily I made a discovery and created a

NEW way of learning jazz piano that allowed me to achieve jazz piano FREEDOM.


How you might ask?



FACT: Students Need A Clear, Structured Plan To Follow That Contains Jazz Piano Tools...

( that you UNDERSTAND what you're learning, instead of copying everything like a brain dead zombie)

Think about it...when has copying EVER helped you actually LEARN something!


Did copying homework help you learn math? Nope.


Could you copy the way Michael Phelps swims, then swim like him? Most likely not.


We search around youtube, take lessons, jumping around from topic to topic, copying licks, copying voicings, reading sheet music or previous arranged jazz tunes and playing transcriptions...


...without ever knowing that these "traditional methods" of learning jazz by copying are the EXACT SHACKLES that never let us achieve our dream of sitting down at the piano, and just spontaneously playing and expressing what WE want. 


I did this for 15+ years and guess what...I NEVER reached my dream.


I didn't even get close! 


Then one simple day, I made a discovery that transformed my playing forever.


And that discovery is currently transforming the playing of thousands of others all over the world.

The JPS System™

The reason JPS has helped thousands of students achieve success at learning jazz piano is due to our systematic and structured learning approach.


Most common styles of jazz piano education have you copy, mimic or playback, different licks, transcriptions, voicings, and arrangements of standards.


This can lead to holes or gaps in your playing and hardly any self-expression freedom...not to mention frustration and self-doubt.


Jazz Piano School provides you with a different learning approach...


Our learning system begins by teaching small jazz piano Theory tools that progress through categories. 


This is called a "THEORY SEQUENCE".


This ensures success and complete FREEDOM at jazz piano.

The JPS System™ contained in the Main Course Curriculum uses "Theory Sequences" to teach you jazz piano freedom.


These "Theory Sequences" are based off proven language learning blocks. They're kinda like Legos.


"Theory Sequences" allow to quickly learn jazz piano tools, combine them however you want, (kinda like legos), so that you can FREELY express and most importantly, feel HAPPY while you play.


Instead of being handcuffed by copying arrangements, reading transcriptions, and infusing other peoples licks into your playing.


After 15+ years of pain & frustration I built the Main Course Curriculum so you wouldn't have to go through all the headaches, self-doubt, and searching that I went through.


Unlike many other online jazz piano sites, The Main Course is completely sequential.

Meaning every lesson builds upon the next through out 600+ videos.


It will take you from ANY level, (even if you know nothing about jazz piano) to a point in which you can sit down at any piano and freely self-express yourself through jazz with ease and feel happy.


Here's What You Get Inside

600+  Lesson Videos On Any Device

(Two Keyboard View With Note Names)

Lifetime 3 Level Access

(Designed for ALL skill levels)

Over 3400+ Practice Exercises

(Specific exercises for every step of the way)

Over 500+ Pages of Lesson Text

(You can study and read about the concepts anywhere)

Step-By-Step Learning. No Guessing :)

Journey or Library Learning Paths

(Follow our popular Journey Path or jump around)

Over 640+ Pages of Workbook Exercises

(Writing helps you learn 10x faster!)

Private JPS Freedom Learner Community

(Get help, feedback & support from other members)

Specialty Courses

Medium size course built for those pesky jazz piano topics that

need more specific and in-depth attention. 

Solo Piano System™

Learn all the nuances and details you need in a step-by-step system that will allow you to finally sit down at any piano and play like you've always dreamed. 


Our Solo Piano System, gives you an exact arranging process for your hands at all tempos so you always know exactly how to approach tunes with both your hands to create beautiful, lush voicings everytime.


Just $497 Or,

Free with Lifetime Elite Membership

Singer Accompaniment Mastery™

If you have or ever will have a tiny burning desire to play jazz with a vocalist someday then you absolutely need this course.


There is NOTHING else out these that provides you a detailed, step-by-step, formulaic road map to create rich, lush support while including engaging accompaniment and your own self expression. 


This is a necessity to have in your toolbox whether you're looking to accompany other singers, choirs, yourself, or just want to learn how to be more supportive while playing. 


Just $497 Or,

Free with Lifetime Elite Membership

How To Crush The Blues™

Our first attempts at playing the blues almost always involve the use of the blues scale. As we randomly play blues scale notes hoping to get some satisfaction, our face begins to slowly cringe more and more. 


Eventually we stop with our head tilted to the side just like a dog not understanding a human. 


Where did we go wrong?


It's this conundrum that our specialty course "How To Crush The Blues" solves. 

With the methods and strategies clearly laid out, step-by-step you'll be able to crush the blues in no time. 



Just $497 Or,

Free with Lifetime Elite Membership

The Bill Evans Arranging System™

If you ask a jazz pianist who their top 3 favorite jazz pianists are...99% of the time Bill Evans will be in that answer.


His harmonic influence on voicings, tunes, and improvisation made an incredible impact that everyone today can learn from.


This course will show you how to arrange tunes like Bill to play Bill's favorite to get an authentic Bill Evans sound...and how to use inner voicings just like Bill.


Just $297 Or,

Free with Lifetime Elite Membership


Short, precise, proven & tested jazz piano Mini-Courses.

Built to give you quick results in less than a week.

Learn everything you need in an exact process and system to tackle new jazz standards in 14-days or less...

Just $47 Or,

Free With Any Membership

These 6 voicings & setups will give you the exact structures you need to ensure you're getting a rich lush sound every time.

Just $47 Or,

Free With Any Membership

Stop copying random voicings and follow a perfectly organized and structured voicing plan to success!

Just $47 Or,

Free With Any Membership

Learn the simple equation of Bebop Improvisation that can be quickly learned through the clear steps in this mini-course.

Just $47 Or,

Free With Any Membership

These small blues nuggets will have you getting the rich, bluesey sound you've always wanted every time you sit down to play.

Just $47 Or,

Free With Any Membership

The 4 most important reharms to creating a solid reharmonization foundation, improving over reharms, and moving outside the key.

Just $47 Or,

Free With Any Membership

Start having fun with improvisation today! Learn how the most important foundation element to set your improv up for success!

Just $47 Or,

Free With Any Membership

Learn the systematic process for creating amazing sounding two hand voicings in all registers that can be used on any tune!

Just $47 Or,

Free With Any Membership

Start creating the ultimate jazz sound by using upper structure triads and extensions to quickly bring color to your voicings!

Just $47 Or,

Free With Any Membership


At Jazz Piano School we have a FULL, 30-day money back guarantee. Our only mission is to help you achieve jazz piano freedom so if you are unsatisfied or unhappy in anyway, shape, or form, simply let us know and we will FULLY refund all of your money, no questions asked. 

Jazz Piano School |

Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved By Jazz Piano School